When I am too tired to even think straight, my default food is salad. One can only imagine how well this concept went over with the butcher!
But, little did he know that I use the salad as a catch-all, kind of a "meal in a bowl".
In any case, last night was one of those nights. I recently quit my job and am in the process of finishing up my last two weeks. So, work is even more hectic, since I have to finish everything and train someone in what I do. That said, I really did not feel like cooking last night. But, we were hungry.
So, enter the chicken sausage salad!
We have tons of sausage in the freezer (there's a joke there, but I am ignoring it!). And I wanted to make something with the portebellos since I didn't want them to go bad, I made portebellos with goat cheese - now with pictures! (I only made four this time since it was jsut T and I- the other two went into the salad).
So, without further ado, here's what you'll need for the salad:
1 red bell pepper - diced
1 green pepper - diced
1/2 sweet onion - diced
2 garlic cloves
2 potebello mushrooms - sliced
4-6 small chicken sausages
Olive oil
Balsamic vinegar
Salt & Pepper
In a pan with olive oil, add the onions and the garlic. Let them brown.
Once they've browned lightly, add the mushrooms.
As they shrink down, add the sausages.
Do not peirce them (the butcher taught me this) as it will let the juices drain.
Instead, turn them regularly, until they're done- about 10-12 minutes.
Once they're ready, remove them from the pan and let them sit.
While they cool, add the onions, the garlic and the mushrooms to your salad bowl.
Drizzle olive oil on them.
Add about 1/4 cup of balsamic vinegar.
Cut the sausages into about 3/4 inch peices
Add to the salad bowl
Add the peppers
Toss & Serve.
Ta da! Dinner in about 20 minutes...LOVE IT!
The best part? The butcher was so happy, he ate it all up!
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